Wednesday, June 30, 2010

de gohng si mi ( wat u say ah) Globlish explained...

this is the first post of what may be a string of hilarious definitions to the local slang (mainly malay, hokkien, cantonese for now)rampantly used in everyday singapore language. i will earnestly attempt and hopefully be able to explain in simple english terms (with maybe a sprinkling of references using other asian languages where applicable) to expound on the various slangs we adopt and domesticate to our convenience unconsciously while speaking to our friends and colleagues day in day out! living in multi-racial singapore definintely has its plus points and the fusion of different languages is just about one of the more beautiful and interesting things to make locals feel more at home. think of it as adding extra "oomph" to what we are trying to express in words.

you are most welcome to contribute your common slang and any new slang / term that might have evolved out of your day to day conversations with your kakis (friends)!

with warmest regards
Gohngsimi-fully yours

gohngsimi-cian (read as you will magician)